Meaning of (स्वर्गीय या आकाशीय) svargeeya/akasheey,svargiya/akashiy in english

As adjective :
celestial Ex:  In terms of astronomy, he said of the Revolution, walking, real or apparent, of celestial bodies
Suggested : pertaining to the sky or visible heaven, or to the universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere, as in celestial body
Exampleस्वर्गीय या आकाशीय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(स्वर्गीय या आकाशीय) svargeeya/akasheey,svargiya/akashiy can be used as adjective.. No of characters: 18 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : svargiiya/aakaashiiya

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